I warn Cookies

Politics of cookies
In fulfillment with the duty of information collected in the section 2º of the article 22 of the Law 34/2002, of 11 of Julio, of Services of the Information Society and of the E-commerce, the present political of cookies has by purpose inform him of clear and precise way on the cookies that utiliz an in the web page of JAVIER MARTINEZ CUT.
What are the cookies?
A cookie is a file of small size that the websites send to the browser and download in his computer. The cookies allow that the web page store and recover the information on his visit, as his language preferred and other options, with the end to improve the services that offer and contribute to have a better experience of navigation for the user.
Types of cookies
In function of who manage the command from where send the cookies and treat the data, will distinguish among own cookies and cookies of third.
The cookies also can classify according to the plaz or of time that permanez can stored in the browser of the user, distinguishing among cookies of session or persistent cookies.
Finally, in function of the purpose for which treat the information recopilada, the cookies can classify in the following categories:
  • Technical cookies: they allow to the user cruise by a website and utiliz ar some of the services offered by the same (as, for example, those that serve to remember the integral elements of a carrito of purchase).
  • Cookies of personaliz ación: they allow that the user access to the website with some determinate characteristics, as it can be the language. 
  • Cookies of security: they serve to prevent or hamper the attacks against the website. 
  • Cookies of complement to exchange social contents: the called plug- in, that allow to share contents in social nets. 
  • Cookies of analysis: they allow to the responsible the follow-up of the behaviour of the user. 
  • Advertising cookies: they allow to manage the spaces of advertising of the website. 
  • Cookies of advertising comportamental: like the anterior, serve to manage the spaces of advertising of the website in function of the information collected on the behaviour of the user and his habits, adapting the advertising to the profile of the user.
  • Cookies of geolocation: utiliz adas for averiguar the country where finds the user.

Permission for the use of cookies
Of compliance with the notice of cookies that appears in the website, the user can consent on purpose the use of cookies that require consent; however, the use of technical or necessary cookies does not require of consent. Without prejudice to all this, the user can modify the configuration of his browser for rechaz ar the use of the cookies.
How modify the configuration of the cookies
You can restrict, block or erase the cookies of JAVIER MARTINEZ CUT or any another web page utiliz walk his browser. In each browser the operative is different, can find how do it in the menu of help of his browser where establishes the procedure for his elimination. For more information:
Google Chrome: 
Mozilla Firefox: 
Https://support.moz illa.org/es/kb/habilitar- And- deshabilitar- cookies- places- web- track- preferences
https://support.apple.com/es- It is/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac
Internet Explorer: 
https://support.microsoft.com/es- It is/help/278835/how- to- delete- cookie- files- in- internet- explorer

It is possible that to the deshabilitar the cookies the web page do not work correctly or can not access to determinate functions of the same.

Cookies used in the web
In the portal web utiliz an different types of cookies with distinct purposes, to continuation, enumerate the cookies employed:
It can see and manage the cookies used in this web in our Configurator of Cookies. 

Modification of the conditions
JAVIER MARTINEZ CUT reserves on purpose the right to modify unilaterally, total or partially, without need of previous notice, the present Political of Cookies. The user recognises and accepts that it is his responsibility revise the present Political of Cookies.
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